  • 期刊


On the Characteristics of Yang Jue's Yijing learning in which understanding the heart in depth and Treating knowledge and practice with equal importance in the Ming Dynasty




楊爵 周易辨錄 易學 明代 程朱


In the Ming Dynasty, Yang Jue authored the book Zhouyibianlu. The book only explains the sixty-four trigrams of Yijing. It seems to be nothing more than the viewpoint of loyalty to the emperor, no wonder commented by the Officers in Academy for the Compilation of Sikuquanshu that he loyal minister is. However, if we combine Yang Jue's poetry and related writings of his time, we can see that Yang Jue inherited the Cheng-Zhu School, affirming Cheng-Zhu's viewpoint of pursuing the truth deeply, facing the limitations of his own temperament, making efforts to cultivate and accepting the plight of being wronged and imprisoned. Through self-examination, reading, discussing, and interpreting the Yijing, he faced his own body, mind, and soul, and was able to corroborate with what the Yijing had said. His mind and body were finally calmed, and at the same time he was able to prove that what the sages had said was true. Zhouyibianlu does not contain any resentment could be due to the very good self-awareness and strict cultivation. Yijing is the study of the body and the mind of a gentleman, and we can refer to Yang Jue's personal experience in reading, speaking, and studying Yijing to advance our lives and establish our lives in peace. This is the characteristic of and contribution to the study of Yijing by Yang Jue.


Yang Jue Zhouyibianlu Yijing learing Ming Dynasty Cheng-Zhu


王龍溪撰:《龍溪王先生集》,收入《四庫全書存目叢書》編纂委員會:《四庫全書存目叢書》集部第 98 冊,濟南:齊魯書社,1997 年。
程顥、程頤:《二程遺書》,收入《二程集》第 1 冊,臺北:漢京文化事業有限公司,1983 年。
楊爵撰,陳戰峰點校整理:《楊爵集》,西安:西北大學出版社,2014 年。
楊爵撰,陳戰峰點校整理:《周易辨錄》,西安:西北大學出版社,2014 年。
黎靖德編:《朱子語類》,收入《朱子全書》第 14 冊,上海:上海古籍出版社、合肥:安徽教育出版社,2002 年。
