  • 期刊


The Song Dynasty's Yijing faction in the Mid-Qing Dynasty: The Study of Wang Youpu's Yijing Studies




王又樸 易翼述信 李光地 清代 易學


Wang Youpu is a Confucian scholar of the Mid-Qing dynasty. His representative work is Yiyishuxin. Wang is the representative of the Song dynasty's Yijing faction in the Mid-Qing dynasty. He make much of Cheng and Zhu's Yijing learning, and pay close attention to Li Guangdi and Diao Bao who are the experts of Yijing learning in the early Qing dynasty. There are four features of Wang's Yijing learning: 1. Return to Contemplation of Yizhuan and the way of Yijing explanations. 2. The way of Yijing explanations, he follows Li Guangdi who explains Yijing by meaning. 3. The viewpoint of Yijing explanations is on the basis of the system of Qi. 4. Return to Confucianism to explain the meaning of Yijing. By the study of Wang Youpu's Yijing Studies, we can find the style of the Song dynasty's Yijing faction in the Mid-Qing dynasty. We also can find the continuance and creation, and find the new chance for the Song dynasty's Yijing.


Wang Youpu Yiyishuxin Li Guangdi Qing Dynasty Yijing


〔清〕李光地:《御纂周易折中》,臺北:瑞成書局,2001 年。
汪學群:〈試論清代中期易學諸流派的特色〉,《中國哲學史》,2008 第4 期,頁38-44。
孫愛霞:〈論桐城派對天津文學的影響—以王又樸為例〉,《社會科學戰線》,2010 第8 期,頁273-275。
〔清〕晏斯盛:《易翼宗》,《景印文淵閣四庫全書》第49 冊,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1983—1986 年。
