  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 賴貴三


提 要 魏晉南北朝是玄風盛行的年代,此時先秦儒、道兩家思想皆已成熟;而在內、外緣因素下,經學的衰落使得儒學地位下降而道學地位上升。然儒學並未消失,此時玄學正借重於道學「以無為本」理論思維的成果,以此幫助缺乏內在約束的名教找出一條解決之道,以「自然」為出發的立場重建順應自然而生之名教。 魏晉清談盛行《易》、《老》、《莊》三玄,其中《老子》、《莊子》為道家毫無疑義;然《周易》兼具象數(卦、爻)、義理(卦、爻辭)兩層,其由卜筮、占蓍之書轉為義理之書,《易傳》可謂奠定柢基;而王弼(226-249)《周易注》則有著更為深刻的詮釋。本文主要就其《周易略例》闡發《周易》之策略與方法,歸結出其注《易》、解《易》之哲學思想;並以其中「統宗會元」、「執一統眾」之原理方法,擴而充之應用於「本/末」、「有/無」、「動/靜」、「一/多」、「言/意」等較為形上之「本末體用論」;乃至探討王弼如何解決「名教」與「自然」之社會實際運作問題。阮籍(210-263)〈通易論〉係《周易?象傳》之撮要顯旨,藉由《周易》六十四卦之卦序以闡明時空、政教、人生之興衰治亂、循環變化之理;並通過「大人」、「君子」之形象,進而建立其理想之政治社會。全文字裡行間言簡意賅,可說熔〈卦爻辭〉、〈彖傳〉、〈象傳〉、〈繫辭傳〉、〈文言傳〉、〈說卦傳〉、〈序卦傳〉及〈雜卦傳〉於一爐,其《易》學造詣可見一斑。 王弼與阮籍,身處於魏晉之際,面臨調和「自然」與「名教」之時代課題,不同的是,王弼因此建立了「以無為本、以有為末」之「本末體用觀」的哲學理論;相對而言,阮籍則是更加具體地描繪出心中理想政治社會的藍圖。相同的是,二者均摻雜揉合了儒道思想;然王弼以玄思理趣、阮籍則以儒家關懷,試圖詮說及解決實際社會問題。


The Approaches of Wang Bi and Ruan Ji Toward the Book of Changes Yu- Jiuan Hsiau Abstract The philosophy of metaphysics reached its zenith during the Weijin and South-North Dynasties, by the time of which Pre-Qin Confucianism and Taoism had both been well-established. As the canonical studies declined due to internal and external factors, Confucianism gave way to Taoism. Such a shift in status, however, did not indicate the slip of Confucianism toward extinction. Metaphysics in effect drew upon Taoism’s fruit of thought—“nothingness is the root” to furnish with adherence to laws of “Nature” scholasticism, which lacked intrinsic constraints. Philosophical discussions during the Weijin Dynasties centered around “The Book of Changes” (Yijing), “Laozi” and “Zhuangzi”. The last two books are undisputedly Taoist works; however, The Book of Changes includes both xiangshu (images and numbers) and philosophical thoughts. It is The Commentaries on The Book of Changes (Yizhuan) that transforms Yijing as a book of prophecy into a book of philosophy. The Annotations of Zhouyi by Wang Bi (226-249 A.D.) provides even more elaborate interpretations. This study explores through Wang’s Simple Explanations of the Principles of the Book of Changes the thoughts underneath his annotations and interpretations. It also applies his ways of “identifying the common reason” and “controlling the complex by holding onto the simple” to metaphysical discussions of “root vs. branch”, “being vs. nothingness”, “motion vs. stillness”, “unity vs. plurality”, “words vs. thoughts”. In addition, this study also examines how Wang Bi solved the pragmatic problem arising from coordination between scholasticism and adherence to laws of Nature. The Essay on Comprehension of The Book of Changes by Ruan Ji (210-263) succinctly extracts the essence of Xiangzhuan in the Book, explaining through the order of the 64 hexagrams the cycle of change in time, universe, politics and life. Ruan also depicts the ideal state of a civil society by portraying the traits of a noble character. Ruan’s profound understanding of The Book of Changes is self-evident throughout the Essay, for it aptly integrates and interprets the the text and commentaries of The Book of Changes. Wang Bi and Ruan Ji were intellectuals in the Weijin Dynasties, both confronted with the issue of coordinating “laws of nature” with scholasticism. The difference between the two is that Wang established his school of thought with the focus on “nothingness as the root and being as the branch”. On the other hand, Ruan clearly illustrated his own ideal state of a civil society. Besides, even though both of them integrated thoughts of Confucianism and Taoism, they approached and addressed social issues in different manners, Wang with metaphysical attitude and Ruan with Confucian concern.




