  • 期刊


Indicator-Based Evaluation of Special Education Practices for Students with Disabilities in Taiwan




Based on some indicators on educational provision for students with disabilities, this study intends to investigate what resources and services are provided for students with disabilities across different levels of education in Taiwan and who receives such services. A questionnaire was designed to collect data from city/county educational authorities in the school year of 2007 and selected data in Special Education Transmit Net were analyzed. It was found that approximately 2.3% of students recieving compulsory education have disabilities, and were mostly identified as having developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, or learning disabilities. The male-female ratio was reported to be 65:35. The percentages of students with disabilities receiving special education in public schools were about 33.6% at preschool, 98.8% at elementary and junior high, and 62.2% at senior high levels. Most of the students with disabilities were placed in regular classes at all levels; however, there were more itinerant specialist assistance in preschools, more resource room programs provided in elementary and junior high schools, but 44% of students with disabilities at senior high level were educated in special classes or special schools. Approximately 91% of junior high school graduates with disabilities attended advanced study in senior high schools. In terms of service accessibility in public schools, 9.6% of preschools, 46.5% of elementary, 76.5% of junior high, and 23.5% of senior high schools provided special education for students with disabilities. Variation of resources among counties or cities has great impacts on what and how special education and related services are delivered to children with disabilities. Some recommendations are offered to protect rights to education for students with disabilities and to promote special education policy.


內政部(2009)。內政部統計年報:人口年齡分配。台北:內政部統計處。2010 年3月21 日,取自http://sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/year/y02-01.xls
日本文部科学省(2009)。特別支援教育資料(平成20 年度)。東京:文部科学省。2010年3 月21 日,取自http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/shotou/tokubetu/material/1279975.htm


