  • 期刊


Transforming a University "Entomology" Course into an Elementary Pre-service Teachers Training Course


因應國小自然領域師資生必須學習國小自然領域教學的學科教學知識,本研究探討大學「昆蟲學」轉化為國小師資生的師培課程,提早培育國小自然領域師資之可行性。本研究採用質量並重的混合研究法,以43 位國小師資生為對象,設計「昆蟲學」18 週師培課程,內容包含:昆蟲學認知、繪製概念圖、飼養昆蟲技能、昆蟲戶外教學技能、評析國小昆蟲科展及設計國小自然教案等;除採用國小自然領域教師昆蟲概念認知測驗(ICTS)、概念圖(CM)檢核國小師資生的學科內容知識(CK)外,並評析飼養昆蟲學習單、昆蟲戶外教學學習單、評析國小科展紀錄、國小自然教案設計等質性資料,以探討國小師資生學科教學知識(PCK)的成長。結果顯示:(1)從ICTS 前、後測t 檢定得知,師資生學習「昆蟲學」能獲得較多的昆蟲認知概念;(2)師資生所繪製的概念圖階層框架還不夠正確,但連接詞能完整呈現;(3)師資生具備飼養昆蟲的技能,具備戶外調查昆蟲的科學過程技能,具備評析昆蟲科展的能力,具備設計國小自然教案的能力;(4)「昆蟲學」轉化為師培課程是可行的,但仍需加入昆蟲學實驗活動,可以在評析昆蟲科展時順便加入昆蟲實驗。


As elementary school pre-service teachers are required to learn the pedagogical content knowledge of natural field, "Entomology" course offered at the teacher training department was transformed into elementary pre-service teachers’ training course to early cultivate science teachers. This study adopted a mixed method research design. Forty-three pre-service teachers participated in the study and took the "Entomology" teacher training course. The course covers insect concepts, concept map drawing, insect feeding skills, outdoors teaching skills for insect survey, assessment for insect science fairs and designing science lesson plans. Both quantitative data and qualitative data were collected and analyzed to investigate the development of pre-service teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. The results were as follows: 1) ICTS pre- and post-testing t test results show that pre-service teachers gained more insect cognitive concepts from the Entomology course. 2) In the pre-service teachers’ drawings of conceptual diagrams, the class framework was partially correct, but the conjunctions were accurately presented. 3) Pre-service teachers demonstrated skills of rearing insects, outdoors teaching skills for insect, assessing insect science fairs, and designing science lesson plans. 4) The transformation of the Entomology course into a teacher training course was feasible; however, entomology experimental activities may be added into the curriculum when pre-service teachers assessed insect science fairs.


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