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A Case Study of Elementary School's Multicultural Education Practice


多元文化教育議題在教育改革過程中成爲被關注的焦點,並與教學產生密切連結,目前國民小學並未將多元文化教育列入正式課程中,因此教師具有多元文化信念,才能有效且確實的教導學生成爲具有多元文化特質的人,使學生學習多元文化中互相專重、公平對待的精神,有助於建立更符合社會正義的社會。 爲瞭解國民小學多元文化教育之實施現況。本研究以多元國小(化名)爲研究對象,以參與觀察法進行實地觀察,以立意抽樣的方式訪談該校四位教師。並以Banks所主張的內容整合、知識建構歷程、減少偏見、平等的教學、賦予權能的學校文化等五個向度,作爲觀察多元文化教育實施現況及實施訪談與分析訪談結果之依據。 研究結果顯示:(一)國小教師的多元文化學習經驗有助於教師實施多元文化教育:(二)教師的多元文化教育信念,顯示教師認爲需依據學習者的差異在教學上做適當調整,並希望給學生更多公平的學習機會(三)就目前的實施情形而官,在課程安排上,多元文化教育議題大多涵括於語文領域及社會領域教材,但多元文化教育的實施主要是在潛在課程中被落實;在教學過程中,教師已能適時將多元文化概念與相關教學主題整合;在教學策略上,教師以異質分組、隨機教學爲原則,並能視學生特質調整教學風格,適時協助弱勢學生;在教學評量中教師能因應學生個別差異,調整題目與評分標準、給予不同題目、調整對不同學生的評分標準,或是設置加分機制,讓弱勢學生在其能力可及範圍內,獲得加分的機會:就學校文化而言,學校組織未賦予學習主體公平的學習機會。


The issue of multicultural education had become a focus in the process of education reform and connected with classroom teaching intimately. However, there wasn't a subject named ”multicultural education” in elementary school. In order to understand how multicultural education was accomplished through teaching process in elementary school, participant observation and interview were used in this study. Two homeroom teachers, one English teacher and one teacher of arts and humanities were interviewed. Banks's five dimensions of multicultural education were used to design guidelines for a semi-structured interview and as a basis for data analysis. It was found that the teachers' experience and beliefs affected their teaching behavior. The results of this study revealed that learning experience of multicultural education would help teachers to take the spirit of multicultural education into practice. According to teachers' believes of multicultural education, they could accommodate their teaching to the students of different character. And teachers also tried to combine multicultural issue with curriculum. Furthermore, teachers carried out multicultural education in hidden curriculum, teaching process, teaching strategies and evaluation in their teaching practice.


