  • 學位論文


A Study of Special Education Teachers’ Perceptions of Employing Strategic Alliance in Developing Education Resources-An Example of Hsin-chu City

指導教授 : 康雅淑


摘 要 本研究旨在瞭解特殊教育班教師對於策略聯盟發展教育資源的認知情形、贊同的實施作法以及探討尚未施行的原因。研究採問卷調查法,以99年度新竹市行政區所屬153位特殊教育班教師為研究對象,使用研究者自編的「新竹市特殊教育班教師運用策略聯盟發展教學資源之研究」問卷為調查工具,並輔以訪談;以Likert四點量表方式計分,以Cronbach α信度係數考驗內部一致性、描述性統計、T考驗、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、薛費法事後分析考驗(Scheff’s Method)等統計方法進行資料分析。 本研究結果如下: 一、新竹市特殊教育班教師對於運用策略聯盟發展教育資源的動機、選擇夥伴的參考要素及所能發揮的功能認知皆屬於中上良好程度。 二、新竹市特殊教育班教師在運用策略聯盟發展教育資源上的整體認知,在「職務」、「年資」、「學歷」、「學校規模」、「特教班班級數」、「教育階段別」及「特教班級類型」的變項上並無顯著的差異;而在「不同區域」變項上的認知程度,「香山區」的特教老師的認知顯著高於其他二組特殊教育班教師。 三、新竹市特教班教師願意運用策略聯盟發展教育資源者,佔問卷的97.2%。 四、新竹市特殊教育班教師對於運用策略聯盟發展教育資源的實施作法認知情形具有中上程度的認知。而在實施作法上則以建立「E化資源分享平台」為最高,其次為「教學課程發展」。 五、發展教育資源的實施方式除在「年資」變項中的「教師專業發展」與「實施作法整體」層面,「5年以下」組的認知度高於「6-10年」組外,其他背景變項的實施作法認知並無顯著差異。 六、學校未運用策略聯盟的原因以「未具體規劃配套措施」、「特教班教師不清楚策略聯盟的內涵」、「班級經營自顧不暇,沒有時間」等原因為最高。


Abstract The purpose of this study was to understand the teachers’ perception of strategic-alliance, the ways and the reasons they did or did not employing it in developing education resources. The subjects were 153 special educators of Hsinchu City, and a self-developed questionnaire and interviews were used to collect date. Descriptive statistics, T-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheff’s Method were used to process and analyze. The conclusions were as follows: 1.The special educators in Hsinchu County were fairly aware of the motivation, the factor of choosing partners and the function of employing strategic-alliance in developing education resources. 2.With different background, there were no significant differences in special educators’ awareness of employing strategic-alliance, but only in variables of educators’ gender and geographic location. 3.97.2% of Hsinchu special educators who were willing to employing strategic-alliance in developing education resources. 4.The most agreeable ways to employ strategic-alliance included:building an E-station for resources exchange, and help for each other in developing curriculum. 5.Educators with less than 5 working years showed higher awareness than others in developing education resources by employing strategic-alliance. 6.The reasons for not employing strategic-alliance yet included: the educational authorities had no plan to implement, educators didn’t understand the intention of strategic-alliance well, and had no time for it.


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