  • 期刊


The Study of Job Stress, Emotional Labor, and Job Burnout for Department Store Staff




The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship job stress, emotional labor and job burnout of department store counter personnel. Using a survey method, data were collected from, and 220 valid questionnaires were received. SPSS 20.0 was used to provide descriptive statistics, analysis of reliability, and correlation, and SmartPLS verification. The results show that work stress is positively correlated with emotional labor; work stress is positively correlated with job burnout; emotional labor is positively correlated with job burnout. The overall result is that when the job stress of the counter staff increases, the emotional labor and job burnout will also increase, and the emotional labor will increase the job burnout. Therefore, department stores should pay more attention to the stress of their employees, care more about the employees and provide more comprehensive training. Staff should learn to react and deal with customer's. Supervisors should be on the site to personally understand the problems faced by work, so as to effectively solve the problem of job stress counter staff experience, and other job-stress related problems.


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