  • 期刊


The Response Literacy to Climate Change of Interpretation Volunteers in Environmental Education Fields




Climate change is a major environmental issue, which indeed affect environmental education fields and the public's lives. It has been shown that interpretation volunteers of the environmental education fields are the main source of public information. The study developed a questionnaire to explore the literacy status of climate change, how to responds to and the interpreting behavioral pattern on the volunteers of environmental education fields. The interpretation volunteers of domestic certified environment educational fields were target objectives of questionnaire investigation of the study. 5 questionnaires were clustered sampled out from each field, a total of 665 questionnaires were got, and the effective recovery rate was 45.3%. The results of the study were shown that: In the volunteers' response to climate change mode: the volunteers' knowledge and cognition on climate change positively affected the attitude; the attitude positively affected the skill; the skill positively affected the behavior. So the environmental education fields can try to enrich the knowledge, cognition of volunteers to cultivate their positive attitude. Further through workshop training, to strengthen volunteers' interpretation skills to promote volunteers' behaviors on climate change or interpretation behaviors.


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