  • 期刊


Empirical Research (2) on Providing Background Knowledge in L2 Reading Classes Focusing on High-Level Japanese Learners in Taiwan




The current publication seeks to examine the effects of background knowledge as a reading strategy through analysis of coherence in written passages produced by learners after receiving background knowledge from instructor. The preceding study entitled ”Empirical Research on Providing Background Knowledge in L2 Reading Classes (1)” analyzed such properties as number of key words, number of inferences, and coherence from the integrated perspective of background knowledge and inferences. Results of the study clearly indicate that background knowledge is effective in constructing a subtext nuance reading comprehension situation model.The empirical research (2) analyzes the common related meaningful units in sentences produced by learners through counting the number of such grammatical cohesive devices as demonstrative, magnetic representation and one-place nouns, an approach suggested by Iori (2007). Improvement of coherence is assured by an augmented number of mental representations constructed from background knowledge that has been provided progressively.
