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A Corpus-based Investigation of "顔(kao)", "面(men)" and "フェース(face)"~Focusing on Genre and Collocation




語料庫 詞組


This study, which investigates the words of "顔(kao)", "面(men)" and "フェース (face)" in two corpus: BCCWJ and NLB, aims to analyze these three word frequencies in different genres and words collocation. Research Method is to examine the words of "顔(kao)", "面(men)" and "フェース(face)" in corpus BCCWJ then to find out its words frequencies and to analyze the words in 13 genres. Furthermore, NBL corpus is classified the words into groups. The groups into which NBL classified include: "noun/noun's/noun's な(na)+顔 (kao)", "noun/noun's/noun's な(na)+面(men)" and "noun/noun's/noun's な(na)+フェース(face)". Then the study analyzes the words frequencies, noun collocation and the common forms of collocation in these groups. The results demonstrate that the word frequencies of "顔(kao)", "面(men)" and "フェース(face)" in BCCWJ are focused on two genre: "libraries・books" and "publisher・books". On the other hand, the study observes the words frequency in these 13 genre from high to low which are "顔(kao)", "面(men)" and "フェース (face)". The words frequency order in NLB: "顔(kao)", "面(men)" and "フェース(face)" which are exactly the same words frequency order in BCCWJ. Meanwhile, each group of three words frequency has antonym and synonyms. Two group of collocation: "noun+顔(kao)/面(men)/フェース(face)" and "noun+の ('s)+顔(kao)/面(men)/フェース(face)" are included wide meaning. As for "noun's+な(na)+顔(kao)/面(men)/フェース(face)"group is included more abstract meaning. Also, both groups of "noun+顔(kao)/面(men)/フェース(face)" and "noun+の ('s)+顔(kao)/面(men)/フェース(face)" have overlap meanings. "顔(kao)","面(men)" and "フェース(face)" these three groups don't have many common forms of collocation; however, "顔(kao)" and "面(men)" have 74 common forms of collocation.


corpus collocation 顔(kao) 面(men) フェース(face)


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