  • 期刊


學習方法使用之變化分析—以非日語相關科系初學者為例—|The Analysis of Learning Strategy Use Consciousness in Non-Majoring Japanese Elementary-level Students




本研究以非日語相關科系的初學者設定為調查對象,以解明其學習方法的使用狀況,以及其使用學習方法的過程中,自我意識之變化狀況為研究目的。研究調查是針對17名的學習者進行面談調查,透過日本的社會學者木下康仁所開發的紮根理論修正版(Modified Grounded Theory Approach:M-GTA)來進行分析,進而闡明他們學習策略使用的過程。結果顯示,非日語相關科系的初學者使用了【接觸日語/開始學習日語的學習方法】隨即開啟了接觸日語的道路。在學習的過程中,出現了【日語學習上的前進與停滯】,日語學習上的前進促進了持續性的學習。然而,另一方面,在學習的途中,也陷入了停滯的狀態。而此狀態卻成為契機,學習者透過使用某些學習策略來促使【日語學習上的突破】。透過上述三個階段的意識過程,勾勒出非日語相關科系初學者使用學習方法的變化狀況。|This qualitative study investigates the learning strategies of non-majoring Japanese elementary-level students in Taiwan, focusing on the process of consciousness transformation in learning strategies over time. In this investigation 17 students were interviewed and the data from their interviews was analyzed with the Modified Grounded Theory Approach (M-GTA). The result of the analysis demonstrates how the consciousness of the students was transformed The results showed that non-majoring Japanese elementary-level students use the "Method of contact with Japanese/beginning the study of Japanese to start their journey of learning Japanese. During their learning process they encountered "Improvement and Non-Improvement in their Japanese learning." with continued Japanese studies resulting in continuous learning However, Non-improvement states also appeared in student learning processes which served as a vital turning point Learners then achieved "Breakthrough in Japanese learning" through the use of various kinds of learning strategies. Through the three-stage process of consciousness transformation, it is clear that the learning strategies used by non-majoring Japanese elementary-level students changed over time.


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