  • 期刊


全球時代視域下的生態女性主義視點閱讀多和田葉子《在地球各角落發光發亮》:日本滅亡的真義|Reading Yoko Tawada's "Chikyu ni chribamerarete" from the Perspective of Ecofeminism in the Global Era,: Concerning to the Reality of Japan's Disappearance




《獻燈使》自榮獲2018年度日本國際交流基金賞、11月美國全美圖書賞之後,作家多和田葉子更受到世界的矚目。繼《獻燈使》之後發表的《在地球各角落發光發亮》作品中的遣辭用句、場所設定、人類環境課題,可以掌握其欲描繪全球時代視域的意圖。然而作品中描繪的日本,不僅是沒積極參與全球社會而是銷聲匿跡地滅亡了。於是本論文聚焦於全球化時代下日本滅亡此設定,從全球時代視域下的生態女性主義視點來論述《在地球各角落發光發亮》,探索日本滅亡的真義。考察結果顯示由於核能發電廠悲劇以及地球温暖化雙重影響而引發日本滅亡,正是對於過度開發核能技術現況敲響警鐘。《獻燈使》是從人類遭受核災影響的日本共同體的內面來描繪的作品。而《在地球各角落發光發亮》則是人類遭受核災影響的日本共同體從外面來描繪的作品,兩部作品互為內、外對照的一雙作品。總而言之,《在地球各角落發光發亮》是全球時代視域下,挖掘生態女性主義視點透視諸問題之新觀點描繪的經典文學名著。|Yoko Tawada has gained more and more attention from around the world since "The Emissary" was awarded the Japan Foundation Award 2018 and the US National Book Award in November of the same year. The intention of drawing a global era can be read from the wording, the setting of the place, and the issues of humans and the environment in "Chikyu ni chribamerarete", which were published after the "The Emissary". However, rather than actively participating in the global society, Japan has disappeared in this novel. Therefore, in this paper, we will focuse on the disappearance of Japan in the global era, and from the perspective of ecofeminism in the global era, we will try to get the meaning of "Chikyu ni chribamerarete" and explored the true meaning of Japan's disappearance. As a result of the discussion, it can be said that the disappearance of Japan due to the double tragedy of the nuclear power plant effects and the effects of global warming is a warning ring to the nuclear technology that was developed strictly. In the "The Emissary", the Japanese community that was affected by the nuclear accident was drawn from the inside, whereas "Chikyu ni chribamerarete" that drawn the disappearing Japanese community from the outside is appropriate for the global era. It can be said that this novel is a literary work drawn from a new perspective that delves deeper.


山口裕司 (2003)「エコフェミニズムの論点とその可能性─ C・マーチャントを手がかりに─」『宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要』第 10 巻1 号宮崎公立大学人文学部
