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A Case Study on the Relationships of Students' Self-efficacy, Epistemology, Human Relations, and Fundamental Professional Curriculums




人際關係 知識論 自我效能 網路


The relations of students' epistemology beliefs, human relations, and self-efficacy are first discussed in this article. Secondly, we analyzed the relation between these factors and web effect. Finally, we searched all possible relevant about these factors and some calculation and prove abilities of Physics or Mathematics through specific tests. The research finds that students with privileged quick learning belief, advanced simple knowledge cognition, higher certain knowledge cognition, and senior omniscient knowledge are easy to indulge in web, lack of ability of human relations, short of ability to achieve goal, and unable to make judgment from information. The students who get lower score on the human relations scale have good adaptivity in real life, more extraversion, more mentality requirements need, and easier to be affected by web. The higher fixed ability cognition students are more capable to achieve their goals and good at adaptively for his or her life. The students with higher certain knowledge cognition are also higher in fixed ability cognition and lower in omniscient knowledge. Students lower in both quick learning belief and fixed ability belief are high requirements on psychology need, extraversion, and web affected less. Students with high omniscient knowledge belief and certain knowledge belief have low human relation ability and low fixed ability belief tendency. The students of higher certain knowledge belief are easier to be affected by web. The higher the quick learning belief students, the higher the fixed ability belief are but worse in human relation. Both quick learning belief and fixed ability belief lower, the students are of low capable to achieve the goal and to make decisions. Students with good human relation are potential to achieve the goals and good at dealing with the relations among students. Higher omniscient knowledge belief students are also of simple knowledge belief and web indulged easier. All above factors are with no apparently evidence to show any relation with calculation and prove abilities of Physics or Mathematics.


human relation epistemology self-efficacy web


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