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The Influence Factors of Consumers' Purchasing Behavior on Telehealth System Products


遠距照護的實施是為了要因應人口快速老化與疾病型態的慢性化,藉由建置遠距醫療照護服務網絡,使病患獲得持續性的醫療及生活照護。本研究參考Andersen 的健康服務使用行為模式,探討遠距健康照護商品(例如銀髮族RFID 智慧型照護手錶)之消費者購買意願及其影響因素,藉此研究瞭解影響消費者產生購買決策行為,以尋求遠距健康照護系統未來可能發展的方向與做法。本研究以立意取樣的方式,於醫院、大學等地進行訪談與問卷調查。研究結果顯示,前傾因素中的年齡差異對遠距健康照護系統產品功能的需求程度有較明顯的影響,促使因素中的家庭及社會資源,多數為自己或家人子女,並以經濟自主、擁有商業保險占絕大多數,此亦可顯示未來遠距照護系統的發展,在個人及居家護理方面有相當的潛在發展空間。本研究認為遠距居家照護機制的建立應著重於消費者實際的購買意願及需求,而非搶先佔有市場的單純商業思維;產品未來發展,除了價格考量外,可能需提高遠距健康照護產品的附加價值,以滿足一般消費者的需求。未來在政策擬定及業者產品開發上,應著重於服務及產品功能的研發,可運用口碑行銷方式,達到快速擴展的目標。遠距健康照護產品在我國有愈來愈受重視的趨勢,本研究結果對未來政府制定政策及業者研發產品服務,是一項重大的啟發。


The promotion of the telehealth system aims to solve to rapid population aging and chronic disease patterns. We establish the telehealth care services network not only to offer patients the comprehensive and constant health and living care ant any place but also create considerable business opportunities for the relevant medical and information technology industry. In this study, the Anderson's behavioral model to figure out how to effect the decisions of consumers' behaviors with the mediator variable, the purchase intention of intelligence caring watches of RFID of the Elderly. Then look for the possible development of telehealth systems in the future.The result of this study reveals that the influence of the factors. The influence of the age gap of predisposing factors on the requirement levels of products of telehealth systems is more obvious. Besides, the family and social resources of the enabling factors are mostly the subjects themselves and their closest family members who are financially independent or under other commercial insurances. This fact also shows that the potential development spaces of the future telehealth systems exist in the aspects of individual concerns and home nursing cares. The research result of the further approach to the consumers' decisions on the purchase intention of intelligent caring watches of RFID of the Elderly indicates that the influence of the functions of products, recommendations, and the overall purchase intention on the decisions of consumers is significant. To conclude, the construction of telehealth systems should focus on the actual purchase intention of the consumers instead of the simple commercial thoughts, to lead up occupying the market without fully considering.Thus, the research and development of services and functions of products should be emphasized by the future policies and product development of industries to spread the reputation rapidly by the method of word of mouth marketing. The telehealth products have been more and more valuable in Taiwan, and it is a great inspiration for the government to make policies and for the industries to research products.




