  • 期刊


A Study of Chuan He Zhen Yong's Taiwanese Works Under Japanese Colonial Rule





This article was based on Chuan He Zhen Yong's six Taiwanese books, and we tried to summarize the regular linguistic phenomena from language materials, to understand Chuan He Zhen Yong's use of language, then showed his contribution on Taiwanese language research. First of all, we compared to the Japanese official and Chuan He Zhen Yong's phonetic notation, and found out the difference between them. Secondly, we sorted out the Chinese characters in Chuan He Zhen Yong's books, summed up the use of various types of Chinese characters, clarified the tendency of the selection of Chinese characters, and discussed the relationship between the form, sound and meaning of Chinese characters. Thirdly, we searched all the words in Chuan He Zhen Yong's Taiwanese books, and analyzed their vocabulary sources and lexical stratum. Finally, we observed the sentences in Chuan He Zhen Yong's books and analyzed several sentence patterns to clarify the characteristics of their grammatical use.


西漢‧班固著,唐‧顏師古注。《漢書》。臺北:藝文印書館,1958 年影印清乾隆武英殿刊本。
東漢‧趙岐注,宋‧孙奭疏。《孟子注疏》。臺北:藝文印書館,1960 年影印清嘉慶二十年江西南昌府學刊本。
南朝梁‧蕭統編,唐‧李善注。《文選》。臺北:藝文印書館,2012 年宋淐熙本重雕鄱陽胡氏臧版。
唐‧杜甫。《杜工部詩集》。北京:中華書局,1957 年。
元‧念常集,《佛祖歷代通載》,《大正新修大藏經》第 49 冊,臺北:新文豐,1973 年。
