  • 期刊


Production Network Transfer and Multinational Management of Taiwanese Traditional Industries: A Case of C Company in Vietnam




According to the literature, we can find many successful cases which Taiwanese enterprises have invested overseas. The main purpose of this research is to investigate what mode is used by Taiwanese enterprises to enter overseas markets. Moreover, this research explores the business strategies adopted by Taiwanese enterprises which help them to find a niche for survival in that area. In-depth interview and the case study research method are used to collect the data and compare with the literature. This research obtains two conclusions: (1) Most of the Taiwanese enterprises have invested in Vietnam in a sole proprietorship. (2) The case C company has exploited the production network model and moved to a new partnership model with the local manufacturers. The findings indicate that enterprises are more likely to achieve the goal of permanent business, if the enterprise has the advantage of lead market and cooperation with international companies.
