  • 期刊


Research on Design and Marketing of Customized Wedding Cake Platform




客製化 喜餅 婚宴 O2O商業模式 食物浪費


Chinese people pay very close attention to wedding etiquette. New couples will often give wedding cake gift boxes to guests after the wedding banquet. Nowadays, there are many wedding cake manufacturers; new couples must spend a lot of time to select one before the wedding. In the process of selecting, they often quarrel with their elders or relatives due to their different opinions. However, some guests leave the cakes until them expired because they do not like their taste. On the other hand, wedding cakes are one kind of cake; guests will not have the recollection of weddings or new couples after eating. Based on the above reasons, this study designed the "Wedding Memory Box" customized wedding cake gift box platform hopes the platform can allow guests to choose and combine their own wedding cake gift boxes from various wedding cake shops online, and to design their own custom cake gift box. The research hopes not only solve the problem of new couples not knowing guest preferences but also let guests keep the memory of the wedding banquet memories and achieve the purpose of reducing food waste.


customized gift box wedding banquet O2O food waste
