  • 期刊


The Learning Strategies That Empower Battered Women of Marital Violence: The Perspectives of Feminist Pedagogy


家庭暴力是一個自古以來即存在於世界各國的共通問題,就其類型而言,婚姻暴力占多數,其中又以夫對妻之暴力為大宗。而社會及文化裡對於婦女與暴力所持「男性中心主義」的觀念,是促使家暴事件不斷發生的原因之一。女性主義者認為,婚姻暴力源自於家庭此一基本社會結構所強化之男性至上的態度與組織方式,所以,在保護之外,有必要另外尋找更能積極協助婚暴婦女脫離生活窘境的途徑。 女性主義希望透過教育來提昇女性意識,勇於採取行動以對抗父權制度的不平等結構,進而促進社會的改革。於是,增權展能(empowerment)成為婦女社會運動的主軸,也是婦女成人教育的目標。就此觀點來看,使婚暴婦女在自我意識上有所覺醒,在經濟、精神及行動上能夠獨立自主、並且了解個人生命價值的增權展能的學習,應是受暴婦女脫離暴力生活最有效的途徑。 本文主要目的在以女性主義為核心,介紹女性主義及女性主義教育學的內涵,其次以女性主義觀點論述婚姻暴力的本質,再者從此等觀點,針對婚暴婦女增權展能學習的策略進行探討,希望能使社會大眾從性別的觀點出發,以婚暴婦女增權展能的學習策略來減少或杜絕婚姻暴力的發生。


Domestic violence is a common problem all over the world, the marital violence takes the majority, and among them it is mainly husband's violence to the wife. The idea of patriarchal in the society and culture is one of the reasons that domestic violence happened constantly. In the perspectives of feminist, marital violence stem from the attitudes and organization of patriarchal's basic social structure, so, it is necessary to look for the way that can help battered women of domestic violence to stopped their bitter life The feminist hope to promote women's consciousness through education, dare to take action in order to oppose the inequality structure of the patriarchy, and promote the reform of the society. Then, empowerment become the main shaft of women's social actions, and become a goal of women education, too. So far as this perspective, the empowerment learning of battered women's awakening in self-consciousness, independent in economy, spirit and action, and the initiative understand personal value, should be the most effective away to avoid domestic violence. This article is base on feminist, introduce the intension of feminist and feminist pedagogy, secondly, described the essence of the marital violence with perspectives of feminist, from then on, focus on the learning strategies that empower battered women of marital violence, hope to make the people with the consciousness of the gender, reduced or stopped the marital violence from the empowerment learning of battered women.


empower battered women feminist feminist pedagogy


黃素貞(2010)。受暴婦女使用公立就業服務資源之經驗探討 —以充權觀點為例〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2010.00118