  • 期刊


A Review of Help-seeking Experiences of Sexual Victims from Formal Service System-take two Women as an Example


本研究主要目的在於探討受害者在遭受性侵害之後,與警政、社政、司法與醫療四大服務體系接觸過程的經驗。採用質性研究的方法,針對二名研究參與者,以深度訪談的方式收集研究資料。 研究結果顯示, 1、警政的求助經驗和建議:可分爲警察不受理案件、不能姑息加害人再傷害他人而報警、警察至家中做筆錄、難以啟口的案情和女警做筆錄的態度前後不一致五個層面來分析。提出受害者的筆錄最好由女警來擔任及警察在做筆錄應具有高度的敏感度和問話的技巧兩個建議。 2、社政的求助經驗和建議:可分爲由類似加害人的身份協助填寫紀錄引發不適的情緒、社工未陪同出庭而感到驚慌失措、網路諮詢系統無法立即做回應、社工失職以致驗傷費用無法補助及安排心理諮商五個層面來分析。而建議提供受害者相關的資訊和應建議受害者接受醫療。 3、司法的求助經驗和建議:可分爲無法向檢察官和法官說出內心的實話、律師在司法上給予很多協助及證人的態度因承受壓力而有所轉變。並提出檢察官多給受害者說話的機會,以瞭解案情的真相及儘早抓到加害人繩之以法,以減除內心的害怕二個建議。 4、醫療的求助經驗和建議:可分爲驗傷和精神醫療兩部份,在驗傷部份可分爲無法對女護士吐露實話、驗傷時依然未向醫師說出實情和充滿害怕不安的情緒及男友協助處理性侵害後的性病後遺症。在精神醫療部份可分爲從醫院網站資訊先瞭解自己的病情、精神醫療求診的過程充滿不安、敏感精神醫師性別的議題及在心理治療歷程中呈現起伏不定的情緒。提出製作一些勾選的表單或圖案和醫師要具有高度的敏感度及增加心理治療服務的頻率和聯繫的方式三個建議。 最後,針對以上之研究結果進行討論,並對從事性侵害服務體系警政、社政、司法與醫療提出具體的建議。


A Review of the Help-seeking Experiences of Sexual Victims from the Formal Service System This study applied a qualitative research method. In-depth interviews with two sexual victims were carried out to understand their help-seeking experiences with the police, social, legal and medical departments. The results showed: 1. Help-seeking experiences from police department were analyzed in the following levels: male police officers refused to submit an official case report, cannot tolerate offender hurting others, having police officer coming to the house taking down the report, having difficulties talking about the process of sexual assault and the female police officer's attitude toward taking down in writing is inconsistent. It is recommended that the process of taking down the report is carried out by female officer and inquiring skill and sensitivity to sexual assault victim were important. 2. Help-seeking experiences from social department were analyzed in the following five levels: The records were filled out by people in the substitute service, the social workers didn't accompany the victim to court which led to victim feeling panicked, cybercounseling was not immediately responsive, the expense of injury examination was unable to be subsidized and psychological counseling was arranged. Suggestions were given to provide victims related information and to encourage them seeking help. 3. Help-seeking experiences from legal department: unable to tell the truth to prosecutors and judges, the assistance of lawyer in the judicature, a change in the attitude of the witness. Recommendations were given to prosecutors allowing sexual assault victims to talk more and to catch the offender earlier to reduce psychological turmoil. 4. Help-seeking experiences from medical department: the result in this area can be divided into two aspects: medical examination and mental health care. Regarding medical examination, it were found that the victim has trouble telling the truth to the female nurse and the doctor due to frightened emotion, her boyfriend helps handling the sequelae of sexually transmitted disease. Furthermore, with regard to mental health care, to understand own illness from hospital's website, feeling insecure during the process of examination and feeling emotionally labile in psychotherapy. It is recommended to make checklist, to enhance doctor's sensitivity and to increase the frequency of therapeutic session and contact. Conclusion: The results could be offered to police, social, legal, and medical department as references.


