  • 學位論文


Describing the Prevention Network for the Sexual Harassment in Grievance Procedure of Sexual Harassment Prevention Act

指導教授 : 劉淑瓊


本研究旨在探討性騷擾防治法處理(再)申訴事件過程中,網絡單位間的協同合作模式,如何更有效運作以保障被害人權益,故以臺中市為例嘗試從不同身分者觀點瞭解運作現況。 本研究運用質性研究方法,並採立意抽樣及滾雪球抽樣方法,邀請性騷擾事件被害人、警政人員、加害人所屬單位承辦人員、社政人員及性騷擾防治委員會委員,共計9名人員進行深度訪談。訪談聚焦於:性騷擾被害人於(再)申訴中的主觀感受、經驗與期待,以及網絡人員對處理性騷擾事件經驗,與對網絡合作的認知、態度、與期待。 主要研究發現包括:現行(再)申訴流程缺乏對被害人之保障,且性騷擾防治意識薄弱影響網絡單位對工作的重視度,而亟需簡化(再)申訴流程並調整網絡單位的角色功能,如:加害人所屬單位應強化建構友善安全工作環境;警政單位僅作為受理及性騷擾申訴事件證據蒐集與初判機關,全數性騷擾(再)申訴事件由性騷擾防治委員會進行調查與結果認定,同時落實網絡對於被害人服務;另現行制度缺乏加害人處遇計畫,再對於被害人之人身安全仍為一大威脅。 依據上述結論,本研究建議有三:提升網絡單位性騷擾防治意識與強化專業知能;重新檢視與調整現行處理性騷擾事件之機制與單位;推展加害人處遇計畫,減低加害人再犯率。


The study, in using the example of Taichung City’s experience, aimed to explore how the prevention network for the Sexual Harassment to collaborate in grievance procedure of Sexual Harassment Prevention Act, and how to be more effective in order to protect the rights of the victims. This study used the “purposeful sampling” and “snowball sampling” of qualitative research methods, and Participants include victims of sexual harassment, policemen, the member of the defendant's organization, social workers and members of the Sexual Harassment Prevention Committee. Focusing on the experience and expectation of victims of sexual harassment in grievance procedure, and the staff of prevention network how to handling the grievance of sexual harassment, and their cognitive, attitudes, and expectations of collaboration with the prevention. Study results indicate: the weak awareness of sexual harassment prevention make the staff of prevention network and their organizations overlook the importance of work, and the current grievance process makes the lack of protection for victims, so there is an urgent need to simplify the grievance process and to adjust the role functions of the network organizations, for example: the defendant's organization should construct a safe and friendly working environment ; the polices only receive the grievance, collect evidenceion and preliminarily evaluate; the Sexual Harassment Prevention Committee conduct investigation and the results. The most important of all, the network members should strengthen the implementation of services for the victims. Besides, lack of defendant's treatment program is a big threat for the personal safety of the victims Based on the above finding, this study suggests the following: to enhance sexual harassment prevention consciousness of the prevention network members and strengthen professional knowledge; review and adjust the current handling mechanism and the role and function of the prevention network members, and promote the defendant's treatment program, reduce the defendants repeat rate.


林玥秀(2005)。我國高職餐飲科學生實習期間遭受性騷擾問題之探討。觀光研究學報,11(2),頁 135-163。


