  • 期刊


An Outcome Evaluation on Protective Service for Victims of Intimate Partner Violence




This study evaluates the outcome of the protective services program for victims of intimate partner violence. The research design is mixed methods, combined with quantitative and qualitative data. The analyses include: conducting in-depth interviews with 7 victims of intimate partner violence, focus group with social workers, and single group pretest-posttest design completed by 10 victims of intimate partner violence. The in-depth interviews with research participants revealed that clients improved in regard to their self-protection ability, physical and psychological health, the frequency of domestic violence experienced, leaving the violent environment, intimate partner violence myths, future life direction, social support system, and couple interaction with the aid of the protective service program. Single group pretest-posttest design also indicated that the clients exhibited positive and significant improvement concerning their intimate partner violence myths, the frequency of domestic violence experienced, and self-protection strategy. Most of the participants were satisfied with social worker services, and some suggested that the government should provide offender treatment programs. Finally, suggestions, limitations and directions for future research are discussed.


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