  • 期刊


The Research on Characteristics and intervention of Intimate relationship violence


為落實被害人保護及加害人處遇工作,並預防重大家庭暴力事件之發生,內政部於2009 年推動「家庭暴力安全防護網計畫」,期待結合相關資源,建構綿密之防治網絡,但實施至今仍存在諸多執行困境有待克服。鑑於良好的政策建構,需以客觀資料為基礎,而我國過去有關親密關係暴力事件之研究,鮮少針對高危機個案之特性進行瞭解,因此本研究除透過文獻探討瞭解目前概況及趨勢,以及親密關係暴力之施暴成因與特性等相關文獻外,亦透過蒐集二個縣市441 件高危機親密關係暴力事件,藉以探求是類暴力之特性與後續的處遇作為。期待透過本研究,能讓吾人對於我國高危機親密關係暴力事件之特性及所提供協助有更為清楚之認識,以作為是類案件預防與評估之參考。研究發現,服務網絡執行高危機親密關係暴力事件之防治頗具成效,另得出是類案件之重要特性與處遇作為,包括:性別差距十分懸殊,被害人為女性比率高達九成五;加害人不良惡習的遏止仍應為高危機親密關係暴力事件的防治重點,且須著重加害人心理協助;針對被害人處遇,支援系統倘能適時提供經濟協助,應能緩解部分高危機親密關係暴力之後續發酵,而服務內容中則以提供法律協助及人身安全維護為主;高危機親密關係處遇服務應以家庭為中心,不可忽視家內子女的處遇服務;不同國籍別及列管期間的特性及服務內容存有差異,未來需思考針對不同國籍別的對象及不同列管期間所應加強的服務內容。


In order to implement the protection of victims and perpetrators' intervention, and the occurrence of major incidents of domestic violence prevention, Ministry of the Interior promoted "Family Violence Safety Net plan" in 2009 and looked forward to combining resources, constructing a tight-knit network of prevention and treatment, but there are still many difficulties to be overcome. We need objective information to Give the favorable policy construction. In the past, there was rarely research for the characteristics of high crisis in domestic violence, so this study in addition to understand the current situation and trend by exploring through literature, as well as intimate relationship violence causes and characteristics, but also violence in intimate relationships through two counties to collect 441 high crisis, in order to explore the characteristics of high crisis in intimate relationships and subsequent violence at the event. Looking through this study, we could find out intimacy characteristic of high crisis of violence and provided the assist clearer understanding of the types of cases as a reference and evaluation of prevention. This study found that the service network performs high crisis intimacy quite effective prevention of violence, and also draw an important feature of the case , including the gender gap is very huge, the victims were female ratio as high as 95%; offender curb bad habits should still be the focus of high crisis intimate relationship violence prevention, as well as the perpetrators of psychological assistance; for the victims at the event to support the system if it can provide timely financial assistance, should be able to alleviate some of the high follow-up to the crisis intimate relationship violence but services in places providing legal assistance and the safety of the maintenance-based; high crisis intimacy at the event service should be family-centered, child within the family can not be ignored at the event service and services; there are differences in the future need to ponder other objects of different nationalities and different tube during the service content should be strengthened.


