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The Meaning of Life and Its Influencing Factors for the students in Technical College




The purpose of this study was to explore the meaning of life and its influencing factor for the students in technical college. The sample was selected 682 students who study in grade two or three of technical colleges in the Ping-Tung area. The response rate was 557 (82%) but 7 incomplete copies were excluded from analysis. The subjects were 550 students in total. The instruments applied in the study were 'Demegraphic data' and 'The Inventory for Meaning of Life'. All data were analysed using SPSS 12.0. Descriptive statistics, t-test, and ANOVA were used in this study. The results showed as follow: (1) The highest score for meaning of life of students was 'one's goal in life' with an above moderate degree, following by 'one's value of life' with an above moderate degree, the lowest was 'freedom of living' with an lower degree. (2) All academy had a high score on 'one's goal in life'. Information academy had a high score on 'quality of life'; Health academy had a high score on 'one's value of life'; Social wearfare academy had a high score on 'one's goal of life'; and Business academy had a high score on 'freedom of life'. (3) Students with religious had higher score on 'one's value of life', 'one's goal in life' and 'freedom of living' than students without religious. The results provided understanding the life meaning students and also provided important insights for related institute and further research.


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賴淑蘭(2012)。成年失明者參與「意義治療」方案 對生命意義感影響之研究〔博士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201613500204
