  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


The Nursing Experience for an Old Age Patient of Diabetic Foot, Who Undergoes Amputation Surgery




糖尿病足 截肢


The life of a diabetes patient after amputation will change significantly, so it tremendous impact to the old age diabetes patient. The purpose of this article is to present the nursing care experience of a 74-year-old patient suffering diabetic foot and facing the amputation surgery. From August 24 to September 23, 2005, the author adopted the techniques of direct nursing, observation, conversation, data collection, and used the criterion of Gordon to estimate the functional health of the patient. The results showed the patient has wound infection, pain, body image disturbance, and impaired physical mobility deviated problems. After establish the good nurse-patient relationship with the patient and the family members, we utilized the sympathy and the medical team cooperation to assist the patient to face the amputation, reduce the imaginary extremity pain and the wound ache and control wound infection. We also guided him the activity and assist him use skill. Makes it early to restore daily life, increase the self- care ability, assist him to admit the body image, strengthen adaptive ness, and assist patient to get adaptation of amputation.


Diabetic foot amputation
