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Journey of the Dinosaur: Applying a Therapeutic Play to Decrease the Fear of Chest Percussion in a Preschool Child with Bronchopneumonia




The article described the nursing experience of applying a therapeutic play to decrease the fear of chest percussion in a preschool child with bronchopneumonia. The period of nursing care was from March 31 to April 1, 2016. Data were collected through observation, physical assessment, conversation, and therapeutic play. Based our observation, due to the specific fear of the position of chest percussion, the child was always crying and resisting whenever his mother carried out the chest percussion. The health problems were identified as ineffective airway clearance and fear. A therapeutic play (the title is "Journey of the Dinosaur") developed based on principle of chest care and therapeutic play, preschool children's developmental features and child's favorite dinosaur toys was applied. Finally, the child cooperated to hold the position of chest percussion and learned how to perform deep breathing and coughing correctly. If pediatric nurses could uphold the concept of "atraumatic care" and apply therapeutic play properly to help the child to cooperate the position of chest percussion, it not only can decrease the fear of the child, but also can build a good relationship between the nurse and the child. Also, the pediatric care quality is improved.


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