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Research on Foreign College Student's Awareness of Micro discrimination and Cultural Adaption




微歧視 社會覺知


Presently, there are considerable proportion of foreign students from different countries in Taiwan University Colleges, and it is still increasing rapidly. Although most Taiwanese thinks that there's no discrimination sorts of situation towards other races, but unconsciously differential behavior may be expressed towards other ethnic group, and this is what caused foreign college students to have different feelings. The objectives of this research were: 1) To investigate foreign college students' awareness of micro-aggression currently. 2) To investigate the cultural adaptation of Foreign College Students in Taiwan University currently. 3) To understand the correlation between awareness of microaggression and cultural adaptation currently. This research adopts quantitative research method, data collective questionnaire survey is conducted via international college in each Universities of midland Taiwan for expediency, employing micro-aggression awareness scale and cultural adaptation scale for assessment. The result of the research found, participants consist more of female, higher proportion of sophomore students, higher proportion of students from The Overseas Youth Vocational Training School, OYVTS and of management department, higher proportion of students from Indonesian, and students between first and second year in Taiwan. This should basically be the situation of the participants. Furthermore, we found that among the ethnic groups, Malaysian participants have a higher sense of cultural adaptation, this may relate to a higher standard of living and Chinese population in Malaysia, which possibly resulted in the better sense of cultural adaption. There's a condition where participants who has a longer stay in Taiwan has higher cultural adaptation. It shows that longer staying time in Taiwan integrates into this society better, and this is a justifiable phenomenon. Research also found that the participants' score on the awareness of micro-aggression and cultural adaptation is negatively correlated, achieving a significance level.




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