  • 期刊


A Study of the Expectations of the Role of Early Childhood Teachers: The Viewpoints of Young Children and Young Children's Parents


各行各業皆有其工作性質,而其工作人員為達成其任務,則須具備一些相關的角色特性。本研究的目的,在了解一位理想的幼兒教師應該具有怎樣的特性,幼教相關人員與幼兒家長如何期望其角色特性。經過對幼兒教育學系學生,現職幼教老師、及幼兒家長問卷調查,並運用卡方檢定之統計方法,研究結果發現有以下幾種最被期望的角色特性:(一)身分特性上較期望女性身份之幼教老師(贊成64%)。其次依序為「應有子女」(贊成36.8%),「結過婚」的(贊成28.3%),而「年齡」最少(贊成22.3%)。卡方檢定結果只有性別與年齡兩項的看法,受試者有顯著不同之期望(二)人格特性上較期望具耐心特性之幼教老師(贊成95.5%),其次依序為「具有人緣的」(贊成76.5%),「具幽默」的(贊成74.9%),而「具嚴厲的」最少(贊成19.0%)。卡方檢定結果只有「耐心」一項的看法,受試者的看法大致相同,沒有顯著不同之差異(三)藝能特性上較期望應具說故事能力之幼教老師(贊成90.7%),其次依序為「具唱歌能力的」(贊成74.5%),「具跳舞能力的」(贊成63.2%),「具繪畫能力的」(贊成60.7%),較低者為「具彈琴能力的」(贊成56.3%)。卡方檢定結果只有彈琴與繪畫兩項的看法,受試者的期望有顯著差異。 面對多元、快速發展的社會,各界對教師的專業權威逐漸失去信心之際,教師更需以提升專業能力或符應角色期望為職志。研究發現,受試者對一位理想的幼兒教師應具的特性昰女性角色較受期待,而耐心則是絕大多數受試者的期望,至於藝能方面則有超過九成的受試者認為說故事最被期望。 為能提昇本國幼兒教育工作,建議要培育幼兒教師之際,應多培養耐心的人格特性,而說故事能力的訓練,則是在五項藝能中,最受其青睞的。因此,呼籲主管幼兒教保行政當局,應該積極推動大家所期望的幼兒教師特性,以使本國之幼兒教育工作邁入劃時代之地步。


The purpose of this study is to gain an insight into the concepts of early childhood teachers from the point of view of young school children and their parents. A sample of two hundred and forty-seven subjects were surveyed, including the children, the children's parents and the current early childhood teachers. We found that 64% percent of interviewees thought an early childhood teacher should be female; 36.8% thought the teacher should have children; 28.3% thought the teacher should be married; and 22.3% thought the teacher should be young. In terms of personal characteristics: 95.5% considered that patience was essential; 76.5% thought popularity important; 74.9% thought a sense of humor was important, while only 19% considered being stern to be an important asset. In terms of personal abilities: most of the people interviewed stated that some artistic ability was desirable. Story-telling was seen as being the most important for 90.7% of interviewees; 74.5% thought being able to sing was important; 63.2% thought a dancing ability important; 60.7% thought a painting ability important; and 56.3% considered piano playing to be important. In our society, many people have very little confidence in teachers. Teachers should therefore be motivated to improve themselves and conform to the expectations of society. At the same time, the institutes which train teachers should be aware of how to enhance the relevant characteristics of teachers that society requires.


