  • 期刊


A Study on the Global Media-Sport Complex this Research Explores the Development of the Chinese Professional Baseball Broadcast Market


本研究採用文獻回顧的方式,從轉播權利金、贊助商、球迷觀賞賽事的角度切入,以全球運動媒體複合體(global media-sport complex)的觀點來探討中華職棒轉播市場的發展。本研究所得主要結果:一、2014年中華職棒與MP & Silva國際媒體共同合作,首度開啟中華職棒全球化轉播。二、MP & Silva國際媒體改變過去製播合一的習慣,轉而實施製播分離的轉播模式,改變臺灣球迷過去觀賞球賽的習慣。


In the way of literature review, from the perspectives of broadcast right, sponsors, fan-watching and global media-sport complex this research explores the development of the Chinese Professional Baseball broadcast market. The main results of this study are as follows: First, 2014 Chinese Professional Baseball and MP& Silva international media cooperate with each other, and they start with the first globalization broadcasting. Second, MP & Silva international media to change the habits of the past combination production and broadcast in favor of the implementation of the separation of broadcast production broadcast mode, into the habits of Taiwan fans watching the game in the past.


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林言熹(2014 年 03 月 17 日)。從免費到 21.4 億元,回顧中職轉播史六大謎團。The New Lens 關鍵評論。資料引自 http://www.edgarlin.com/2014/03/blog-post.html
吳清正、倪婉君(2014,3 月 7 日) 。球迷安啦! 中職轉播頻道今公布。自由時報。資料引 https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E7%90%83%E8%BF%B7%E5%AE%89%E5%95%A6-%E4%B8%AD%E8%81%B7%E8%BD%89%E6%92%AD%E9%A0%BB%E9%81%93%E4%BB%8A%E5%85%AC%E5%B8%83-221052932—spt.html
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