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Website Design Guidelines: High Power Distance and High-Context Culture


This paper aims to address the issue of offering a culturally adapted website for a local audience. To date, the vast majority of studies in the website design arena have examined mainly Western and American (low power distance and low context) culture, disregarding possible cultural discrepancies. This study fills this gap and explores the key cultural parameters that are likely to have an impact on local website design for Asian-Eastern culture, in a high power distance and high context, correlating with both Hofstede's and Hall's cultural dimensions. It also reviews how website localisation may be accomplished more effectively by extracting the guidelines from two different yet compatible cultural dimensions: high power distance and high context.


Culture Design Hall Hofstede Website


Huang, F. C. (2007). 使用少量關鍵模型之三維對嘴語音動畫 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.01185
