  • 期刊

Health and Quality of Life of University Students - A Case Study of a University of Science and Technology in Southern Taiwan



The purpose of this study is to understand the sleep quality and quality of life (QOL) of university students and propose suggestions according to the research results, which can be taken as a reference for education units and subsequent studies on health and QOL. This study surveys 692 students of a university of science and technology in southern Taiwan (including 237 male students and 455 female students) with the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and QOL Scale (SF-36) as research tools. This study uses SPSS for windows 22.0 to process data and obtained the following research results: (1) Total sleep quality score was 5.47 points (male students: 5.19 points; female students: 5.62 points), indicating that female students had poorer sleep quality; (2) among the eight QOL dimensions, the top three dimensions with the highest scores were physical functioning (PF), role limitation due to physical problem (RP), and bodily pain (BP), while the three dimensions with the lowest scores were general health (GH), mental health (MH), and vitality (VT); and (3) the Physical component summary (PCS) had a higher score than mental component summary (MCS). Conclusion: The sleep quality of the subjects has great room for improvement; in terms of QOL, the physical functioning level outweighs the mental functioning level. Therefore, university students are advised to take more exercises and develop regular exercise habits to improve their health and QOL.


本研究目的旨在了解大學生的睡眠品質與生活品質現況,針對研究結果提出建議,並提供體育教學相關單位及未來在健康生活品質相關研究上之參考。本研究以南部某科技大學692位大學生為對象(男生237人、女生455人),以匹茲堡睡眠品質量表(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI)與生活品質量表(SF-36)為研究工具,以SPSS for windows 22.0套裝統計軟體處理,所得研究結果如下:一、全體睡眠品質總分為5.47分(男生5.19分、女生5.62分),顯示女生的睡眠品質明顯較差。二、生活品質八大面向得分最高前三項為:身體活動功能(PF)、身體功能角色限制(RP)及身體疼痛(BP),最後三項為:一般健康知覺(GH)、心理健康狀態(MH)、活力狀況(VT)最低。三、整體生理功能層面(PCS)得分明顯較整體心理功能層面(MCS)得分高。結論:本研究受試者的睡眠品質還有很大的改善空間,在生活品質方面,生理功能層面大於心理功能層面,因此,建議大學生應多多參與運動,培養規律運動習慣,以改善與提升大學生的健康生活品質。


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