  • 期刊


A Study on Textbook Design and Development: A Case Study of Tokyo Shoseki Social Studies Textbooks




This study explores the process of social studies textbook design and development by Tokyo Shoseki. A prototype is proposed for this study based on textbook design and development in Taiwan and literature review. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews of authors, editors, and representatives of collaborating companies as well as using document analysis. The research aims are (1) to depict the process of textbook design, i.e., curriculum design, teaching design, text design, layout design, and graph design; (2) to explore the process of textbook development and its influence on textbook design; (3) to construct a model for textbook design and development; and (4) to reflect on textbook design and development in Taiwan and propose suggestions for reference. Based on the research findings, a dynamic model is proposed to explain the textbook design and development for Tokyo Shoseki. Six features of this model are identified comparing the prototype proposed in this study. The reflections on and suggestions of the production process of Taiwan's social studies textbooks are proposed as the conclusion.


文部科學省(2012)。平成 24 年度における教科書展示会の開始時期及び期間について。取自 http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/shotou/kyoukasho/tenji/1318605.htm
文部科學省(2012)。都道府県が設置する教科書センター一覧(平成 24年 5 月現在)。取自 http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/shotou/kyoukasho/center.htm#a001
文部科學省(n.d.)。教科書調査官一覧。取自 http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/shotou/kyoukasho/1319243.htm
文部科學省(n.d.)。採択 6.教科書採択の方法。取自 http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/shotou/kyoukasho/gaiyou/04060901/006.htm
文部科學省(n.d.)。概要 2.教科書が使用されるまで。取自 http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/shotou/kyoukasho/gaiyou/04060901/002.htm


詹寶菁(2021)。教科書發展的品質保證 書寫優質教科書的試金石教科書研究14(1),145-155。https://doi.org/10.6481/JTR.202104_14(1).06
