  • 期刊


School Textbook Policy and System in Korea




The aims of this study were to investigate the evolution and current situation system of school textbooks in Korea as well as analyze its characteristics and problems. Using documentary analysis and literature review, this study found the following features in Korean’s school textbook system: (a) a coexisting centralized textbook publishing system, review system, and approval system that coexist as well as a shift from the centralized textbook system to the approval system; (b) to deal with the different characteristics of and needs in each stage of education, elementary school textbooks are determined primarily by the national government, in secondary education, they are determined by the review system, and textbooks used in vocational education are determined primarily by approval system and the national government; (c) government is involved in textbook pricing, buying the least expensive textbooks; (d) the government has been promoting digital textbook policy in recent years. Of course, some challenges and problems need to be resolved. They are (a) as approve system has been developing too fast, textbook quality concerns have been raised; (b) after textbook price liberalization, textbook prices have risen sharply; (c) due to different ideologies, the content of history textbooks have repeatedly sparked controversy; (d) since digital textbooks have not been as effectiveness as expected, more effort is needed to enhance teacher acceptance and to promote effective teaching of digital textbooks.


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