  • 期刊


An Online International Project as a Path to Reconstruct Learners' Knowledge in Learning Materials, Opportunities and Examples


「多元素養」(multiple literacies)拓展了傳統教育「讀寫素養」(literacy)的學習範疇,成為現代人因應全球化與資訊化社會所需多樣的識讀能力。在文化與語言多樣化的社會中,現代人必須學習跨文化溝通,並了解與使用新興科技,以因應當代社會的需求。而教科書作為教學實踐中的重要媒介,其設計與形式也隨之日新月異。然而從相關研究發現,目前教科書仍具有單一型式與文本權威的迷思。綜觀新興科技帶出多元素養的契機,以及傳統教科書作為學習媒材導致的困頓,本文的目的即以國際教育資源網(International Educational and Resource Network, iEARN)之「未來教師專案」(The Future Teacher Project)臺灣與巴勒斯坦師生的交流為例,說明學習素材可以是利用新興科技所呈現的多模態教材。透過精心規劃的數位協作平臺,跨國師生共同建構超越傳統教科書文本的多模態教材,增進彼此跨文化理解與溝通能力,為數位時代的學生展開學習新途徑。


Globalization and emerging technologies are changing the world. The concept of "multiple literacies" has broadened the traditional definition of the term "literacy" to meet multiple new needs in modern life. The goal of multiple literacies is to extend the concept of learning, emphasizing cross-cultural skills and technology use in societies with various cultures and languages. Accordingly, textbooks are critical in teaching and their design and format continue to undergo change. However, research indicates that traditional textbooks are text- and expert- oriented, characteristics that hinder critical skills students need today. Using theoretical analysis, this article discusses"The Future Teacher Project", an example of iEARN (International Educational and Resource Network) project in which Taiwanese teachers and students interacted with Palestinian teachers and students through the iEARN online collaboration platform, showing that new online learning materials can be multimodal and effective; knowledge in learning materials can be reconstructed by learners by communicating with international peers; and these constructive learning experiences can promote intercultural understanding as an innovative path to enhance teaching and learning.


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吳翠玲(2007)。如何利用國際合作學習進行英語教育。天下雜誌。2007 親子天下專刊,210-211。
