  • 期刊


Philosophical Approach to the Relationship between Religion, Theology and Religious Studies


該研究關注當代哲學,討論其與宗教和神學相關的問題。 維根斯坦(Ludwig Wittgenstein, 1889~1951)係英美分析語言哲學,而海德格(Martin Heidegger, 1889~1976)係歐陸現象學和詮釋學的翹楚,本文嚐試以此兩者作為從哲學觀點探討宗教和神學的相關問題。 首先,他們咸以自己的學派來挑戰宗教和神學。維氏的結論是「說清楚」或者「應當沉默」。而海氏提出如何從「非本真」到「本真」的生命?並主張「非神」哲學。其實,兩人皆極為重視「否證法」。 繼而,討論維氏和海氏思慮神學和宗教有何積極關係,它們可謂是「朝聖者的同伴」。維氏的「語言遊戲」不僅肯定宗教存在,甚至在分析「淺文法」和「深文法」時更進一步地闡明人生的奧秘。而海氏於「轉移」後,遂專心探索怎樣逾越「工具」的阻礙更逼近絕對自己。 探究宗教與神學相關問題的過程凸顯了哲學思辯的任務:思考如何走向「完滿」而不必太急於斬獲「結論」。這樣,人才能體認傳統中看似相互矛盾的兩句名言:「不合理故我信」、「為知故我信」。其次,哲學思辯能襄助人理解「圈內」和「圈外」的立場,並鼓吹宗教對話,即以理性為出發點,與奧秘會晤。


The present study focuses on the problem of the relationship between philosophy, religion and theology in the modem philosophical context. L. Wittgenstein and M. Heidegger are selected to be representatives of analytical philosophy and ontological phenomenology, respectively, to deal with the relationship between theology and religion. The first section describes the early periods of both philosophers. They criticized vehemently traditional theology and challenged the function of religion. L. Wittgenstein's conclusion was ”speak clearly” or ”keep silence”. M. Heidegger insisted that his philosophy was an ”atheistic philosophy”. However, both philosophers attach great importance to the via negativa of theology. While both philosophers criticize theology, at the same time they are fascinated by the very heart of religion, Mystery. They are challenged and for both this is the turning point toward the views of their later philosophy. Wittgenstein, with the concept of ”language game.” defends the existence of religion and through the analysis of ”surface and depth” grammar demonstrates the significance of theology. M. Heidegger discovers after the ”Kehre” the leading role of Mystery in thinking. We ought to be aware of obstacles and put technical reason in order, so that we are ready for the revelation of the truth (aletheia). The last part considers the role of philosophy as ”philosophizing” for both religion and theology. Thus philosophizing can not only understand the puzzle of the two famous propositions, namely 'credo ut intelligam' and 'credo quia absurdum est'. It can now serve as a mediator of the three classical methods, i.e. via affirmativa, via negativa and via transcendentalis. Philosophizing, as reflecting on Truth and Mystery, can elaborate the right relationship between religion and theology, i.e. between insider and outsider. Thus, it can push inter-religious dialogue in the right direction toward mutual understanding and toward deep contact with the Mystery, the heart of every religion.


