  • 期刊


Toward A Liberal Politics of Recognition




In the turn of the last century, supporters of the politics of difference and multiculturalism help promulgate the idea of recognition. They argue that the liberal tradition has long been blind to all kinds of social and cultural differences and even deny the idea of difference. They further argue that the liberal principle of neutrality helps sustain the unjust status quo. However, is liberalism guilty as charged? I argue that it is not the case, for the concern of recognition and respect is already immanent in the liberal tradition. In this paper, I first analyze the concepts of toleration, respect and recognition in order to bring our their often neglected affinity; and I further elaborate on the principle of neutrality to manifest the possibility of the collaboration between liberalism and the so-called politics of recognition.


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Darwall, Stephen, “Two Kinds of Respect,” Ethics, 88: 36–49, 1977.
Dworkin, Ronald, Justice for Hedgehogs, Harvard University Press, 2011.
Forst, Rainer, Tolerance as Recognition, Cambridge University Press, 2002.
