  • 期刊


Ethics and Metaphysical Foundations in Zhuangzi: Renjianshi




《莊子.人間世》 倫理 兩難 兩行 道論


In the treatise Renjianshi, Zhuangzi introduced the passage "jiu bu-yu ru, he bu-yu chu" (while seeking to keep near to him, do not enter into his pursuits; while cultivating a harmony of mind with him, do not show how superior you are to him) that touches upon a question interesting to examine from an ethics perspective. Compared to the general Confucianist point of view, the basis of action in the human domain as expounded in the treatise is based on metaphysical-ontological harmony and not empirically determined by a system of nominal designations subject to artificial manipulation. In other words, the treatise seems to be navigating a conundrum by creating a reflectionist value system that is separate from but also responding to the ritual-musical order. The reflectionist notion can be described as entrenched in the "wei-yi" (being one) concept embodied in the "liang-hang" (parallel ways) approach, which leads to eradication of any self-other binaries and achieves object-subject harmony. The state of being can then be understood as gong-cheng-yi-tian (joined into one heaven).


〔魏〕王弼等著:《老子四種》,臺北:大安出版股份有限公司,1999 年。
〔宋〕朱熹:《四書章句集注》,臺北:大安出版股份有限公司,1996 年。
〔明〕憨山德清著:《莊子內篇憨山註》,臺北:新文豐出版股份有限公司,2005 年。
〔明〕陸西星撰《南華真經副墨》,北京:中華書局,2010 年。
〔清〕王先謙:《莊子集解》,臺北:三民書局股份有限公司,1992 年。
