  • 期刊


"O_O" An Animation Creation




科幻電影 賽柏龐克 2D動畫


With Taiwanese society gradually entering into post-modern social life situations, more and more people are becoming dependent on the Internet and TV media for the absorption of new knowledge. The wide use of the Internet has increasingly shaped a community that totally relies on the Internet for its interaction with outside world, breaking itself off the real world and becoming isolated. By referring to science-fiction movies, this work - ”O_O”explores how technology will affect the lives of the Taiwanese people, further to serve as a cautioning fable for the development of the technology and social civilization, and show artist's care for the future of human society.This work combines real people and 2D animation, having the 2D-animation characters interact with real actors in the films, in a bid to reflect Taiwanese youth's gradual loss of their sense of reality amid massive virtual images, cyber interactions and near-real TV programs. The lead role in the film indulges himself in a virtual world and lives on a tram for a long time, going from escaping from reality to becoming confused between reality and virtuality and turning into a virtual animated character in the end.


Science-Fiction Movie Cyberpunk 2D Animation


Bakshi, R., 1992, Cool World, United States: Paramount Pictures.
Bigelow, K., 1995, Strange Days, United States: 20th Century Fox.
Blackton, J. S., 1900, The Enchanted Drawing, United States: Edison Studios.
Blackton, J. S., 1906, Humorous Phases of Funny Faces, United States: Vitagraph Company of America.
Chaffey, D., 1977, Pete's Dragon, United States: Buena Vista Distribution.

