  • 期刊


A Study on Design Image Analysis of Taiwan Furniture Cultural and Creative Brands


本研究是以『2017年台灣文創博覽會』中的家具類文創品牌10家為研究對象,分別是在松山文創園區及華山文創園區各5家家具類文創品牌,其中在松山文創園區展覽者為達達國際集團、層層生活、打開工作室(Open Studio)、幸福意境當代設計師家具(Stimlig)、希巨蘇飛(Siki Sufin)等5家家具品牌,而在華山文創園區展覽者為金店株式會社(Kanaya)、三和木藝工作坊、耕木工場、宜蘭椅及哇大創意整合有限公司(Wata)等5 家家具品牌,而比較特別的是有兩家家具品牌是台灣原住民文創品牌,分別是希巨蘇飛(Siki Sufin))及哇大創意整合有限公司(Wata)。本研究之目的為找出台灣家具類文創品牌之設計意象,以提供文創產業業者與文創研究者之設計參考。本研究以KJ法為研究方法,從10家家具文創品牌從其品牌官網行銷的照片中每家選取5張典型的家具圖樣,共計50張KJ研究樣本。於 2018年3月14日下午15:30-23:30以7位研究小組成員運用KJ法以「台灣家具類文創品牌之設計意象研究」為題,進行台灣家具類文創品牌的關鍵議題探索,KJ法結果得出家具類文創品牌設計意象共分為4大類,分別為產品外觀、產品內容、設計風格、以及使用者經驗。造型、色彩、圖案、生物科技、周密性、仿生、達達主義、中式風格、現代東方風格、普普風、北歐風格、偏好面向、情感面向、客群面向等14個小項。經由本研究分析發現,取樣中台灣家具類文創品牌設計意象,除了重視產品外觀的造型、色彩與質感之外,對於設計手法的仿生與設計情感的傳達有相當的重視,結合綠色設計的概念及生物科技的特質也是台灣家具類文創品牌追求的產品內涵。在設計風格方面非常多樣,除了傳統的中式風格與現代東方的意涵傳達之外,也引進西方的設計手法與北歐風格的極簡表現方式,更有在地化原住民風格之呈現。而重視家具設計本身的機能與美感之外,也強調設計得獨特性、工藝品質,更重視使用者的情感與需求,強調家具文創品牌是貼近心的幸福設計。


家具類 文創品牌 設計意象


The research subjects are ten Taiwan furniture cultural and creative brands from Creative Expo in Taiwan in 2017. Five brands which are located at Songshan Cultural and Creative Park are Lagoon, Open studio, Stimlig, and Siki Sufi. The other five brands which are located at Huashan 1914 Creative Park are Kanaya, Sanhe wood art, Gen Mu wood work shop, Yilan Chair and Wata. Siki Sufi and Wata are two unique brands which are Taiwanese aboriginal cultural and creative brands. The purpose of this research are to figure out the design image of Taiwan furniture cultural and creative brand and provide the design reference to the owners and researchers of cultural and creative industries. The research method is KJ method. There are totally fifty KJ research samples which are typical furniture pictures from the official websites of the research subjects. The research team is group of seven members. They used KJ method to probe the key issue of Taiwan furniture cultural and creative brands based on the topic which is the design image of Taiwan furniture cultural and creative brands. The results are four major categories of design image and fourteen minor categories. The former are the appearance of product, the content of product, the design style and the users' experience. The latter are modeling, color, patter, biological technology, Dadaism, Chinese style, modern oriental style, POP art, north European style, preference, emotion, and costumer. According to the findings of research analysis, except putting emphasis on modeling, color and texture, of design method and express of design emotion are also vital in the same way to the design image of research sample. Combining the concept of green design and the feature of biological technology are also the product connotation that Taiwan furniture cultural and creative brands want to pursue. For the design style aspect, it is very diverse. Except the conveying of traditional Chinese style and modern oriental meaning, they also import western method and northern European minimal method to present more aboriginal style. Not only putting emphasis on the function and aesthetic feeling of furniture itself but also emphasizing the unique and the quality of the design is important. Above all, the most significant is the feeling and the requirement of the costumer toward the design. Underlining the furniture cultural and creative brands is the best way to be close to the costumers' hearts.


