  • 期刊


The Relationship between Women’s Intimate Violence Myths and Paternalism-An Study of Women in Pingtung County


本研究以屏東縣20 歲以上婦女為研究對象,探討婦女的個人特質、父權主義思維,與其對於親密關係暴力迷思認知之間的關係。本研究以問卷調查法,採用分層配額方式來進行抽樣,共抽取384 位研究受訪者。研究結果發現,在被害人迷思中,居住地為第四區分類、較高的性別差異思維、較高的家庭決策思維及政治參與思維者,傾向有較高的被害人迷思。在施暴者迷思中,國小及國小以下教育程度、較高的家庭決策思維及政治參與思維者,傾向有較高的施暴者迷思。在家庭迷思中,年齡較輕、國小及國小以下教育程度、較高的性別差異思維、較高家庭決策思維及政治參與思維者,傾向有較高的家庭迷思。最後在整體親密關係暴力迷思中,國小及國小以下教育程度、家庭擁有較多男性手足、較高的性別差異思維、較高家庭決策思維、較高勞動分工思維及政治參與思維者,傾向有較高的整體親密關係暴力迷思。因此,要有效的降低婦女的親密關係暴力迷思,首先在婦女個人面向,要破除對於父權主義思維的認知;鼓勵婦女參與家庭決策,提升婦女參與政治的意願。其次在政策面上,以當地的文化脈絡為基礎進行偏鄉地區的親密關係暴力防治宣導活動;藉由教育破除年輕人對於親密關係暴力中家庭迷思的認知。


With women aging above 20 in Pingtung County as objects, the present study investigated women’s personal features, patriarchal thoughts and their relations with the recognized intimate violence myths. The study conducted questionnaire survey, and sampled 384 interviewees by means of stratified quota sampling. According to results of this study, women who live in the fourth-type area (Wutai Township, Majia Township, Taiwu Township, Laiyi Township, Chunri Township, Shizi Township and Mudan Township), who have deep-rooted gender-difference thoughts, and who feature high-level family-decision and political participation showed strong tendency to have victim myths. In terms of perpetrator myths, educational background of elementary school or below, high-level family-decision thought and high-level political-participation thought were associated with strong myths of perpetrator. With regard to family myths, women who are characterized by young age, educational background of elementary school or below, deep-rooted gender-difference thoughts, high-level family-decision and high-level political-participation tended to show high family myths. Finally, with respect to overall intimate violence myths, educational background of elementary school or below, large quantity of male members of the family, deep-rooted gender-difference thought, high-level family decision, high labor division and high political-participation resulted in high-level overall intimate violence myths. Therefore, to effectively reduce women’s intimate violence myths, the priority is to eliminate their recognition of paternalism. It is also necessary to encourage women to participate in family decision-making, eliminate gender discrimination of occupation, enhance women’s willingness to participate in political activities, re-allocate family resource, and get rid of sexism inherent in the "value the male child only" practice. Secondly, in terms of policy, activities to prevent and manage intimate violence should be promoted in remote rural areas on the basis of local culture context, such as using education as a channel to eliminate young people’s recognition of family intimate violenceand implementing intimate violence prevention and management in communities.


women intimate violence myths paternalism




