  • 期刊


Short-Term Care Service Demand and Usability Gap of Disabled People: Using Taichung City as an Example




This study explores the causes for the low usability rate of short-term care service for disabled people, raising the questions: Is it because of low demand, obstacle of service delivery, or low service accessibility? What kind of families with a disabled member show higher demand for short-term care service? This study explores demand and use experience and difficulties of short-term care service policy and offers suggestions for modification. Through in-depth interviews under a qualitative research approach and taking Taichung City as the research scope, this study interviewed providers and users of short-term care service of disabled people. According to research findings, a governmental subsidy of short-term care service is lower than respite care expenditure for long-term care. The definition of service content is rigid, and the applicants of caregiver allowance of the disabled cannot use short-term care service. Those with demand for short-term care cannot apply for the service, and there is a lack of short-term care professional training. Home caregivers can only search for their own solution, which is the main reason that applications for short-term care service are so few. We offer some suggestions to enhance care service: make amendments on regulations related to short-term care programs, including an increase in hourly pay, a modification of service content, the development of short-term care service that is not limited to homes of the disabled people, flexibility between application of care allowance and short-term care service, expansion of care service manpower, enhanced knowledge regarding disabled people, and professional training related to care and support services.


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