  • 期刊


An Investigation of the Symbiotic Community Industry Development Model: Taking the Community Coalition Platform of a Certain District as a Case Study


近年社區發展越趨蓬勃,社區組織投入數量與日俱增,多數組織陷入資源競奪的窘迫,故為突破該困境,協力合作越益重要。本研究以「社區結盟行動理論」作為研究架構,採個案研究途徑探討影響推動結盟過程之因素與效益,進而提出以結盟為策略之社區產業發展模式。本研究之個案為「稻荷咖工作坊(Dao Ho Ka Studio)」,其為串聯11個地方行政區、近30個社區組織的農村產業協作平台,為目前臺灣少數社區自主結盟發展在地產業之案例。本研究採深度訪談法及參與觀察法,深入了解個案實際運作情形。本研究結果認為:社區結盟關鍵來自多方因素的集合,如社區背景、領導組織和社區成員能力與條件;影響社區結盟的維續,來自成員間高度社會資本及對領導者之賦權程度;社區結盟平台內部需以非正式化之「互信關係」作為支持結盟運作之系統。本研究亦發現結盟之重要效益有:增加社區曝光度、社區產業銷售提升、活絡社區氛圍、跨域合作意識培養等。


In recent years, community development has become increasingly vibrant. The limited resources have led community organizations to face the thorny challenge of competition for resources. This study employs the "Community Coalition Action Theory" as its main framework. The study explores the factors influencing and driving coalitions, while further proposing a community industry development model predicated on coalition strategies. This study adopts in-depth interviews and first-hand observations. Our results show that: the key to the success of community coalitions is found in an aggregate of different factors. The maintenance of community coalitions is affected by the degree of social capital present among members and the degree of power wielded by the leaders. The internal needs of social coalition platforms must have a support system of informal "mutual trust relations".


Ghaffari, Mohtasham, Bahram Armoon, Sadjjad Khoramrooz, and Javad Harooni (2021). Community Coalition Action Theory: Introducing an Interventional Application to Confronting Covid-19. Community Health Equity Research & Policy. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1177/0272684X211006549
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