  • 期刊


On the Significance of Li, Fa, Shing of the ''HsünTze Wangzhi"




荀子 王制 禮法刑


”Wangzhi” is an integrated political chapter of the book of ”HsünTze”. This chapter demonstrates the ideal regulations for governor to govern his state. The best achievement for an ideal royal state is realizing the separation of the virtue men and the mean men, the distinguishing between rights and wrongs, and the enrichment of people. HsünTze emphasizes the employment policy. The practice of Li is the basis of the state, Fa (rules, law) remains identically important, as to Shing (penalty), it will be applied when needed. In ”Wangzhi”, Li is treated as the goals of education and evaluations for rewards and punishment, Li also demands the unit of the practice of Li and the name and position of the person. The normative role of Li indicates the important change in the development of Confucianism. Besides ideal royal state, HsünTze discusses 2 other types of states in ”Wangzhi”: the hegemonic state and the powerful state. The different application of the policies of Li, Fa, Hsing by the governor manifests the different type of the state. Li is the decisive factor to approach the ideal royal state, but when penalty over practiced, people have the power like water to overturn a boat when lived in pain.
