  • 期刊


A Study of the Correlation between Flavor Perceptions of Chocolates and Visual Packaging Design




巧克力 味覺感知 包裝設計


For the past few years, chocolate customers in Taiwan have increased rapidly. High-end and attractive packaging chocolates are not only good for health, but also the best choice as a gift. Through literature review and questionnaire investigation, the study is aimed at analyzing customers' cognitive differences between flavor perceptions of chocolates and packaging design. The results of the study can be summarized into eight chocolate packaging designs, and packaging color is the most attractive design element for customers. Further, dark packaging design is associated with bitter taste perception. On the contrary, bright or warm packaging design is associated with sweet taste perception. Moreover, actual product packaging is associated with bitter taste perception, but illustration or famous portrait packaging is associated with sweet taste perception. Besides, the chocolate labeled with flavor and concentration is associated with bitter taste perception.
