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The Change of Wen Tao theory: Comparison on Relationship of Tao and Literature of Zhu Xi and Huang zongxi




朱熹 黃宗羲 文以載道 文與道合


Wen Tao theory in the history of Chinese literary criticism has a very long history, profound traditional Chinese literature. In this paper, by comparing two thinkers: Zhu Xi and Huang zongxi , observes the similarities and differences of Wen Tao theory. We found the development path from "Li terature Transmi ts Tao " to "Li terature and Tao are cooperation". Zhu Xi advocated "the Li terature from Tao", so it is not to learn the text for the text, but start from the morality. For him, Tao is the first meaning, l i terature is attached to Tao, and as standard to deny Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan et al. So Zhu Xi’s Wen Tao theory is still somewhat " Paying attention to Tao and despising literature ". Huang zongxi believed literature is the part of Tao, Its value is equal to the physical and mental training and the technique of feats. Li terature and Tao must be closed, and literature is manifested Tao. He stressed that literature is the part of Tao, and the natural outpouring of emotion. He maked improvement of the status of the literature, so he not only payed attention to road, but also literature. The main difference lies in the ideological foundation, historical background, It leads to different attitudes to literature and Tao. From the comparison of Zhu Xi and Huang zongxi , the followers of Neo-Confucianism is basically inclined to pay attention to Tao and contempt Literature. Special Ming and Qing Dynasties, in earnest requirements of statecraft, but enhanced the value and status of literature.
