  • 期刊


An Exploration of Tenth Graders' Understanding of the Relations Implied by the Processes Deployed in Physics Texts


從語言學的觀點言之,在理解一個小句的語意內涵時,可將該小句拆解為兩個或更多個小句,再以連接關係(即連接詞組,例如:因為…所以…)連結之。在這個拆解過程中,過程詞(即動詞或動詞組)即以連接關係取代。例如:「A與B成正比」可拆解為「A 越大,B也越大」。本研究旨在探討學生對於物理文本中過程詞所隱含之連接關係的理解以及其理解所產生的困難與問題。根據現行高中物理教科書的論述,選擇六個標的過程詞(「形成」、「造成」、「成正比」、「有關」、「是」、以及「等於」),再以系統功能語言學(SFL)所界定的兩種時序連接關係(「同時」與「接續」)與四種結果連接關係(「因果」、「條件」、「方法」及「目的」),並根據凱利方格技術(Repertory GridTechnique)設計「過程詞隱含之連接關係問卷」,以24名高一學生(15-17歲)為研究對象,探討學生對於物理文本句中過程詞的理解情形。問卷之內在一致性α為0.84。研究發現,學生都認為上述六個過程詞隱含著結果連接關係,甚至像「等於」這種不具因果關係之等同關係過程詞,學生也有相同的理解。而對時序連接關係的判斷,隨不同過程詞類別而有不同。在結果連接關係理解而言,學生較傾向於以「因果」、「條件」、「方法」等關係來理解過程詞,而「目的」這個次類別與其他三種次類別之間的相似度較低。有趣的是,當學生將某過程詞理解為具有「因果」關係時,也傾向於將之理解為「同時」的時序連接關係。這顯示學生對「因果」關係的時間順序,並未有適當的理解。


This study aimed as exploring readers' understanding of the relations implied by the processes (verbs) used in science texts, and also addressing the potential problems arisen by such understanding. For instances, if participant A and B are stated as 'A causes B', then there must exist proper relations between A and be in terms of the using of 'causes'. Six processes, including 'proportion', 'relate', 'form', 'be', 'cause', 'equalized', that are prevalent in science textbook were selected and then their implied connective relations such as 'simultaneity', 'successiveness', 'causality', 'condition', 'manner', and 'purpose', were scrutinized under the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics. The former two are classified as temporal relationship, the other four causal relationships. An instrument of ‘Test of Understanding the Semantic Implications of Processes' was developed accordingly. Totally 24 tenth graders answered the test, the internal consistency alpha is 0.84. Major findings indicated that readers tended to interpret all processes as implying causal relations, even including those identifying processes that actually specify the identical relation only. Meanwhile, readers interpreted these six processes as implying temporal relation differently. Furthermore, readers preferred 'causality', 'condition' and 'manner' connectives to realize causal relationships than 'purpose' ones. Readers also accepted the possibility of co-occurring of causal and simultaneity relations of between two participants. Based upon the results the implications of science teaching and reading and suggestions for further research were discussed.


