  • 期刊


Teachers' Perspective for the Learning Assist Efficiency of Hands-On Exhibits in Science Center: A Case Study of Exhibition "Megnitics and Electricity" in Science Center, National Museum of Natural Science


科學展示館舍建立的宗旨在於促進社會大眾對科學的瞭解,受到1980年代以來動手操作展示(hands-on exhibit)風潮的影響,加上近年來電子科技發展的影響,幾乎所有的展示都含有讓觀眾動手操作的設計。但是這些讓觀眾動手的設計是否也能適切地讓觀眾動腦,如何能讓這些展示啟動觀眾的思維,是科學類展示館實務上最關切的問題。本研究以焦點團體的方式,邀請參加研習的教師在科學中心「電與磁展示區」現場操作展品、閱讀解說標示文本,對展示區內九項展品的操作設計之學習輔助效果進行討論。九件操作式展品都是以現象例示促成學習。結果顯示教師們認為展品在學習輔助方面常見的缺點:無法使觀眾瞭解如何操作、文本所介紹的科學概念並未與操作展品時可以觀察到的現象之間建立關聯、科學原理作用的效果不夠明顯、科學原理同時展現多種效果。解說文本在學習輔助方面的缺點為:與展品間欠缺參照功能、欠缺關於操作的說明和觀察焦點的提示、使用一般人陌生的科學圖文表徵撰述說明、解說文本指引的操作方式有問題。根據研究結果提出的改進建議包括:展品以簡明扼要的問句作為解說文本標題,引發觀眾操作;文本中應簡單指出操作方式,及觀察的焦點;圖解或圖說不應直接使用大專教科書的樣式;操作引發的現象或改變宜明顯易見,不適合同時有多項改變。


The main interest of science museums is promoting public understanding of science. Since The Explatorium opened in 1980s, it created the trend of hands-on exhbitits. On-going digital technology development encouraged the approach, almost all exhibits in science centers with some device to invite visitors hands-on. Do these hands-on devices also make visitor's minds-in? How to make these exhibits trigger visitors' mind? Both questions are the practician of science museums/centers concern most importantly. This study invited 60 teachers self-explored the exhibition "Magnetics and Electricity" in science center. Then took symposium to collect their comments for all exhibits in the exhihbition. The results included type of exhibits by the nature of understand, main problems of hands-on exhibits in learning assist and main problems in label text of hands-on exhibits. Findings suggest that hands-on exhibits should easy to understand how to operate, and the effect should associate with science concept clearly. Label text should include the clude about how to operate exhibit, what is the observing focus and writing in general language.


