  • 期刊

Applying Semantic Mapping in EFL Writing Classroom: A Study on Taiwanese Beginning Writers



本研究目的在調查將語意圖(semantic mapping)運用到高中英文寫作教學之成效。語意圖係以圖畫的方式具體呈現英文段落結構中的層次關係,因此,本研究利用此一特性,使用語意圖教導高中學生英文說明文的段落結構以及段落寫作的知識,並檢驗此教學方式,是否能夠協助英文寫作初學者增進其英文段落寫作中結構以及內容兩項的表現。實驗結果發現,運用語意圖以視覺的方式呈現英文段落結構,能夠顯著的提升學生英文說明文段落寫作的內容與結構成績;受測學生於實驗後的問卷中也表示,此教學方式能幫助他們增進英文寫作的表現與學習。因此,本研究歸納實驗結果後認為,教授英文寫作初學者英文寫作的格式以及篇章結構,能夠降低學生的寫作焦慮、以及其進行寫作當時的認知負荷,因而協助他們提升英文寫作的表現。


The purpose of this study is to investigate if the semantic mapping instruction, which represents English paragraph structures visually and hierarchically by means of semantic maps teaching EFL students the knowledge of English rhetorical structure and writing conventions, is effective in assisting the beginning EFL writers to write English expository paragraphs with regard to the categories of organization and content. As shown in the results, after the experiment instruction, the subjects' English written products improved significantly with regard to the categories of content and organization, and they reported in the questionnaire that the instruction was useful and helpful. It is thus argued that explicitly teaching EFL beginning writers the rhetoric convention and text structure of the target language can ease their anxiety and lower the demand on their cognitive capacity and thus result in better writing performance despite the delimitations of the study.
