  • 期刊

Teaching English Through Translated Taiwan Nativist Literature



本論文以鄉土文學作家黃春明之作品《玫瑰玫瑰我愛你》及其英譯本作為大一英文補充教材之資料庫。此作品充滿七零年代台灣口語及文化素材,同時夾雜中文、英文、日文、台灣國語多樣語言,內容生動且詼諧,很適合做為教材。筆者因此選用此作品以及英譯本作為平行文本,除了內容以及作者的書寫技巧外,筆者並特意強調英文段落中的連貫詞(cohesive links)以及述位關係(theme and rheme structure),期待可以使學生對於英文的結構有更深入的了解,同時學生也不會因為英文能力不足的影響而放棄閱讀,如此中英文的平行閱讀希望更能讓學生了解兩種語言結構上的差異。學期中筆者也鼓勵學生提交心得感想以及對於譯文的批評。此外,期中和期末考試有部分是測試學生是否能理解英文段落中的連貫詞(cohesive links)以及述位關係(theme and rheme structure),期末也針對這部分請同學填寫問卷,筆者希望使用平行文本能引起學生對於文學作品英譯的閱讀興趣,同時也能領略中英文結構上的不同。


This study adopts Chinese and English versions of Taiwan nativist literature, Rose, Rose, I Love You (2000), as a supplementary reading material in a Freshman English course. As the literature features the rich dialectical and cultural expressions of Taiwan and its people during the 1970s, its English translation deserves to be introduced to undergraduates. Reading by parallel texts helps students become acquainted with the languages and the authors' writing styles. Moreover, the instructor-researcher highlights cohesive links and theme and rheme structures in the English translation in classroom discussion to achieve better reading comprehension of the text. In this way, students were expected to obtain a better understanding of the different language structures of Chinese and English. During the semester, students were also encouraged to write reflective learning diaries and translation critique regarding what they learned from the novel and its English translation. A questionnaire provided at the end of the semester was also designed to elicit students' opinions regarding learning the cohesive links and theme and rheme structures in English. By the end of the reading project, it is hoped that the students would not only have more awareness of connectives in English but be able to analyze English sentence structures.


