  • 期刊


Integrating the Teacher-Centered and Student-Centered Approaches to Translation Teaching and Assessment - A Case Study of a News Translation Class


傳統翻譯教學以教師為中心(teacher-centered),透過課堂講授(lecturing)教導學生翻譯相關知識與技巧。老師權威式單向傳輸知識的教學過程中,學生容易喪失對於翻譯的興趣。近年來翻譯教學研究學者提倡建構式翻譯教學法(constructivisttranslation teaching),教師在教學過程中不再扮演傳統由上至下的權威角色,而是以學生為中心(student-centered),強調知識是透過學生彼此互動建構而來。教師僅是從旁提供支持鷹架(scaffolding),大部分課堂時間都交給學生自主學習。本研究則旨在截長補短,在大學新聞編譯課堂整合上述兩種不同教學模式並發揮最大綜效。研究結果顯示,期末問卷調查中三大面向「前半學期教師主導教學」、「後半學期學生主導教學」及「本學期整體滿意度」,在5點量表中的平均值皆為4以上;除了量性分析之外,從學生期末報告、自評及互評表中文字敘述,進行質性分析。結果顯示,大部分學生相當肯定此融合式的翻譯教學模式,尤其學生能夠透過同儕評量彼此討論、訂正及角色扮演過程,更加熟悉新聞翻譯產製流程的全貌。學生不但在前半學期系統化學習翻譯相關知識及技巧,後半學期更可學以致用,發揮學習功效,達到授課教師設定的學習目標,也希望此研究結果能作為國內其他翻譯教師課堂教學的參考。


Traditionally, instructors adopt a teacher-centered method wherein instructors impart knowledge through lecturing. Recently, however, social constructivism has come to be considered a more appropriate approach to translator education. The student-centered social constructivist approach is a multi-directional style of learning in which students are encouraged to construct their own definition of knowledge. However, students still require guidance from the teacher. The teacher needs to provide a supportive environment so that students do not get lost in a decentralized, constructivist classroom. Since both approaches have their strengths and pitfalls, it was the goal of this research to design and implement a new teaching method that integrates both approaches and then see how it works in a university news translation class. Questionnaire surveys, feedback, self-assessment, peer-assessment reports, focus group interviews, the instructor's field notes and reflective memorandums were collected for data analysis to determine whether or not such an integrated approach is feasible. It is hoped that the findings of this research will provide news translation instructors with insights for improving classroom teaching.
